
Week 15: Guest Star James Lee

PLEASE NOTE: There is no problem with the Drupal forums. Remember, it's not under "Create Content". You need to choose "Administer", then "Content Management" and then "Forums". So forum away!

Today James Lee visited and talked about his work in the online marketing world. Here's a list of the links he shared:
Did I leave anything out? If I did, remind me and I'll get the link.

This coming Thursday will be our last class. We'll talk about how to leave the BECA Community Online site and how things might resume next semester; we'll also do class evaluations (extremely important!) and pick a time for our Second Life meeting. Please be on time!

  1. Finish up your Drupal stuff.
  2. Make your Second Life avatar and practice moving around, etc.
  3. Get a start on any Writing Lab or other extra work I asked for in my last feedback e-mail.

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