
Week 10: Preliminary Community Mapping

Today we talked about the community-building ideas you posted on the Class Wiki and began a preliminary blueprint of what it might look like.

Next week, Adam Greenfield will come to class to talk about his experience building the BECA Digital Lounge site and getting our grad students communing online. Also, Alex Kessinger will be here to answer questions and get suggestions about what we'd like to build. I'm going to construct a very rudimentary demo front-page based on the discussion today, just so we have something to start with next week. But remember it's all still wide open — so keep thinking about your "wish list"!

  1. Write a blog post (at least 500 words, 3 links, 1 image/sound/video).
  2. Leave thoughtful, engaged, discussion-furthering comments on the next 5 blogs (pick up where you left off last time).
  3. On today's Class Blog entry, leave a comment proposing a creative interactive-media project that you'd be interested in doing (in addition to contributing to the BECA online community). This can be something that we've covered in class (blog, interactive fiction, wiki) or something we haven't done; if there's anything you found inspiring or that you'd like to have a try at, let me know what it is!


Mike O said...

I guess I'd be more interested in doing some interactive art than working on a functional web project. The work of Jodi, Peter Weibel, and some others, seems interesting but is probably outside the scope of what we're doing in here.

Marie Drennan said...

Interactive art would be *great*! Creative content is absolutely a valuable addition to our community — I encourage everyone to be thinking along those lines. Thanks, Mike, for kicking things off! I'm looking forward to seeing what other people have in mind. Don't worry about the scope of the class; this is a place where innovation rules. : )

Claudia said...

I think a cool interactive-media project would be an interactive map of the Creative Arts building.

Just the other day, I heard a student asking a teacher where a certain classroom was. The teacher had no idea.

As a new student, I was completely lost. I didn't know where the editing lab was. I didn't know where the studios were. And this semester, I found out where the radio station was.

After searching various sites for a great example of what my ideal interactive map would look like, I came across a National Geographic map.

This 3-dimensional map of the brain allows you to rotate 360 degrees. In addition, when you move the cursor over a specific area of the brain, a window pops up with additional information.

I think using a model similar to this one, will allows us to show each level of the Creative Arts building from various points of view. By moving the cursor over a specific level, like the basement, we can offer additional information in a text box.

I think this would be useful to new and current students and teachers.

Claudia said...

FYI- I have posted at least one comment to everyone's blog.

I will choose two other blog post from the class to make up my five for the week.

lorena zuluaga said...

To be honest, although this may sound boring I really want to work on my blog. I have been taking up some really heavy topics and my intention is for the message to get out to as many people as possible. So, I would like to focus on the aesthetics of my blog, which is really plain right now. I would like to me make it look cool, and revise each of my post before I sent out the link to all my friends. Also, I am thinking of possibly creating a banner for my blog in Flash.

JiratuX said...

I'd be down to make a kick ass interactive or collaborative fiction. I thought the ones we did before were pretty cool. If I had more time I would have done more with my design and concept. It took a while to put together but it was fun mapping out the story and walking through it. The one on Explosm.net is cool because the author started a story then takes suggestions and then illustrates his favorite.

James said...

I think for the project that we are doing, I am seriously considering anything that has to do with blogging. I think that a lot of ideas and information that can be contributed to the online community as a whole may come from this.

Grant said...

The only ideas I could think of for the online community is a mix of blogs and wiki-like activity. Hopefully it'll be the same as what we've done lately.

Jesse C. said...

well, here is the very prototypical ning site I have created. Any and all recommendations are welcome. The colors I picked suck butt. But the site is there for people to join and make what they want of it. I have a few other ideas, but this one can be played with. And playing is fun!

Jeannine said...

I'm really grateful to BECA 670 for introducing me to the blogging world. I was so if-y at first, and thought it was way out of my element. After reading lots of other blogs and creating my own, I am really interested in doing more of it. I have been thinking for a little while now about creating another blog. In school, I am a quiet person, but I have a lot to say. Unfortunately, I feel like I have very little time to work on another creative piece at the moment. My current blog is very time-consuming, and I really want to focus on it at the moment. But sometime in the near future I would like to create another blog where I can express some feelings about many things I have been learning in school and relating them back to my real life.

Sharon[a] said...

I'm game to participate in any project that enriches or nourishes our individual and collective creative minds. Interactive fiction is definitely an avenue that I'd like to further explore. [With that said, if anyone is interested in doing some collaborative work, let's talk.]

Caleb said...

A class collaborated wiki fiction story would be interesting and fun to do. Just an idea.

Tony Fantano said...
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Tony Fantano said...

I would like to start a ning community for the Golden Gator Rockers. If I wasn't so busy writing blogs and worrying about all the work for the rest of my classes, there would already be a thriving online community of Golden Gator Rockers.